Wednesday, 10 October 2012


People of The Pink!Urgent appeal! Help needed!

We have a crisis. 
See the beautiful set from our tranimal tent at Bestival? 

A hardworking, talented core team of Sink The Pink set designers worked hard for months in the build up to Bestival to create these masterpieces to make the tent the success it was at Bestival.

It was made with love by members of our scene, who all gave their time for free to make it as incredible as it was.

It's ALL gone missing. Yes, every piece; over 40 hand crafted, painted, glittered, lovingly created, huge tranimal wooden signs and cut outs. Alongside bags and bags of rope lights, bunting, fabric, inflatable animals, toys and more. Plus all of the Sink The Pink signs we have used in the club over the years. Basically all the hard work of Luke and the STP set design crew has been lost.

 <---- remember these signs too? ALL gone! :(

This is an appeal: 

Did you see anyone leaving Bestival Holding a Mickey Mouse with a big boner?

How about someone dressed as a gorilla holding a cock shaped banana? 

Check your memory for someone on the ferry wearing purely rope lights! 

And was there a guy dressed as a robber with a hundred troll dolls down his pants?!

Last seen at the Grand Palace of Entertainment on Monday. It had all disappeared by Tuesday. If you have any leads on the whereabouts of our set please get in touch:

Have you got any pictures of it, to help people identify the Sink The Pink set? Please post them on our Facebook page, and spread the word. This is a genuine appeal for help. Our crew slaved for months to create this genius work, we're totally gutted it has been stolen from us.

Thanks for all the tweet love n tranimals pics we've found on instagram so far: 

If you, like us, are devasted by the news of this appeal, a help line will be set up at the next Sink The Pink on Nov 3rd with counsellor Oozing Gloop answering a toy phone, feel free to vent your anger down the phone. Alternatively you can just dance harder, we find this helps with most of life's problems.

Relive the joy of the set and weep:

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